2020, 2021, and 2022 – when the world was grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, and I, like millions of others, found myself fighting this invisible enemy, not once, not twice, but three times. My third battle with COVID-19 was particularly…
Author: sudharamaprasad
The heart stops mid beat, the breath at kumbaka; the body in suspended animation, the mind transported; an inexplicable joy, lightening of the spirit which soars ever so high. I am not describing the emotional state of a hormone pumped…
Mutely by the seashore I stand, Waves playing touch-you-last with feet; breeze cheering them delightedly and gulls wailing to join them. Faster, higher – engulfed I am. Impossible to swim in sand. I ask, “Am I one with nature?” I…
The Many Path(ie)s of Life I do not know how I compare with Sita or Savitri, but there have been a few pathies in my life, the latest being “Naturopathy”. Homeopathy kind of runs in the family (on my father’s…
In Stillness is Born Activity Bare awareness awakening from deep rested slumberCurious thirst finds nothingness Deep rumblings hungering From stillness did spring forthThe universe vast and mysterious. The thirst prolonged… To taste all at once in an instantTo know itself…
Surya Namaskara Sun worship has been in practice since the Vedic Age when nature Gods were given prominence; there are many references with particular regard to the health benefits of this ritual. The Sun God was considered a ‘pratyaksha…