
Ramblings of elusive electrons

In Stillness is Born Activity

In Stillness is Born Activity

Bare awareness awakening from deep rested slumber
Curious thirst finds nothingness
Deep rumblings hungering
From stillness did spring forth
The universe vast and mysterious.
The thirst prolonged…
To taste all at once in an instant
To know itself in deepest slumber
While still awake in the illusory world deployed;
Elusive search for stillness:
The desperate paddling of the serene ducks
Sun rays enveloping the still cloak of night
Muted light suffusing through and overpowering
What was what might have been, is and possibly;
New life in a dry seed
Brightening light of a dying candle.
Stillness of the yogic posture concealing turbulent mind
Notes reverberating in the just cased violin
Soil disturbed to accommodate the stilled body
All activities subsumed in the eternal stillness – Sat Chit Ananda


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